One of the difficult things to keep in mind, and one of the areas the devil is constantly attacking, is our perception of sin.  He knows that if he can make it look like it is not a big deal, and diminish the significance of it enough, he can get us to fall.  The devil usually works in the realm of emotion, because he understands, as most marketing professionals do, that people mostly make decisions based on how they feel about certain things.  If a person feels good or accepting about a product or service, they are more likely to purchase it.  So if the devil can get us to feel that sin is okay, and a viable alternative to walking the “straight path” then he is halfway there in getting what he wants…our destruction.  The Pulpit Commentary speaks of the effects of sin as being pretty serious: “Sin kills peace; it kills hope; it kills usefulness; it kills the conscience; it kills the soul.”

If we keep focused in our hearts that sin is always ugly, and godliness is always beautiful, it will help keep our perceptions from becoming distorted by the world.  The Bible says that every good and perfect gift comes from God, (James 1:17) so we are decieved if we believe that any kind of sin will ever be good, or even okay, for us.  The biggest reason God doesn’t want us to sin is because He loves us and knows the destructive nature of it.  Don’t let yourself be deceived by the world’s lies.  Have an attitude ot mistrust and hatred towards sin.  That’s God’s attitude towards it.