My fiance received a call from an acquaintance from church the other day who was depressed.  The problem was that this person is always tragically depressed and an alcoholic and unwilling to make any positive changes in their life.  We got to talking about the lives of Christians and non-Christians and how they are different or similar.  Some people who are fairly consistent church-goers don’t seem to have anything more than any proclaimed atheist does in terms of joy, peace, and the ability to handle life.

Jesus came to bring about a life transformation. 

2 Corinthians 5:17
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!

If that is the case, why do we see so many people in church who don’t manifest any signs of being any different than those who do not profess Christ?  Is it because we refuse to grow because we don’t want to surrender to God the things He is asking of us?  Is it because we won’t forgive others?  Is it because we haven’t learned to lay our burdens at His feet?

 In today’s church most people want to obey God as long as they can do what they want to do also.  We have lost the concept of submitting to Christ in every part of our lives.  Is there something God has been speaking to your heart to let go of or do?