In Acts 13:13-52 we see a very interesting story about Paul and Barnabas’ experiences in Pisidian Antioch.  They went into the synagogue and were asked to speak.  Paul gave a rousing sermon, at least some of it is recorded here, maybe all of it.  Afterwards, the Jews were pretty positive.  In verse 43 it even talks about how many of the Jews followed them as they left and continued talking with them and Paul and Barnabas, who encouraged them.  BUT then the next Sabbath, it says the whole city came out to hear them speak.  Suddenly, the Jews started talking against them openly and arguing abusively with them.


So the Jews started out being receptive and switched to the opposite, even fighting against Paul and Barnabas.  In the next couple chapters it even talks about the Jews following them to different towns and inciting the mobs to go as far as stoning Paul (Acts 14:19).  What happened to the Jews?  It says they became filled with envy (Acts 13:45).


What happened to the Jews in Pisidian Antioch is the same thing that happens to many of us.  They were offended at the ways of Christ, essentially the ways of God.  They were offended that Paul and Barnabas preached a gospel that didn’t require circumcision or any of the traditions and rituals associated with becoming a Jew.  That part of Christ’s gospel became a stumbling block to them.  It became their stumbler.


There have been many times I have counseled and ministered to people and found their stumbler hindering them from going further in Christ.  Whether it is that God doesn’t allow us to cheat on our taxes, or that lying at work is wrong in His eyes, or that God would ask them to forgive their abusive father.  In Luke 20:17-18 Jesus says he is a rock that we stumble on and are broken, or that falls on us and crushes us.  Let yourself be offended by God’s ways, but also allow youself to be broken and surrender to Him.  Beware of the stumblers.


Luke 10:18Whosoever shall fall upon that stone shall be broken; but on whomsoever it shall fall, it will grind him to powder.