In Ephesians, Paul is speaking to them in chapter 1 and he talks about some pretty amazing prayers he prays for them.  First, he prays that they would be given wisdom and revelation to know God better.  I am sure there were times when I thought this was no big deal and of course we are all knowing God better every day, but then I became older and a little wiser I hope and came to realize how valuable it is to have a close intimate relationship with God.  The closer we are to God, the further we are from relapse.  The better we know Him, the better we are.  The closer we are to Him, the more loving we are, the more pure we are, the better we are as a person, the more effective we are in ministry.  When we lose fellowship with God, we slowly become uglier and less effective and the problem is that some people come to a point of being comfortable with not having that closeness with God.  They stop seeking God for it.  I have seen myself slip into that state before out of laziness and self-indulgence.  But to pray for ourselves and others that we would be given tools to draw closer to God is a real blessing.  he also prays for a deeper heart-understanding of the hope they have in Christ, and the power they have in Christ.  I pray that we all grasp that in a deeper way, because I think there is lots of room to grow in these areas in our lives, and they make our lives so much richer.  Why?  Because they increase our intimacy with God, and the closer we are to God, the closer we are to who we were made to be.  Ephesians 1:15-23