I was listening to that song “Into the Sky” and received a revelation from God when listening to it while I was working regarding my attitude at work and having a loving attitude.

My job right now has to do with handling inquiries from dealers asking there their orders for parts are.  My job, along with two others, is to pull these inquiries, called Call Trackers, and assist the dealers.  Some Call Trackers are much easier than others.  The three of us pull Call Trackers from one virtual mailbox that they automatically go into when a dealer places them.  I usually get irritated with my coworkers when they pull call trackers that were easy and leaving the hard ones for me (aka: cherry picking) instead of just pulling them in the order they come into the mailbox.

This is what I felt God convicting me of:

I can do call trackers, the hard ones, out of love. I can help let them have the easy ones because I love them, and that is what Jesus would want for me to do, to do for others that which is loving. If He wants things to change for their good, He can bring that about without my meddling. My place is to love them, and to learn to better love like Jesus.

Philippians 2:3-4   3Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves. 4Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others.

This is what applying this verse to our lives can look like in a workplace situation.  Is there a scenario where instead of fighting for your rights, or getting upset over them, you can be focused on loving others and forgetting about yourself, without hurting others or violating any other principles of Christ or compromising your integrity?