There is an amazing passage in Acts that talks about a miracle that Peter experienced in his life.  The context is also interesting.  King Herod had just killed James, the first pastor of the Jerusalem church.  He saw that it pleased the people, and so he decided to kill more Christians.  He had Peter arrested.

Acts 12:4 –  4When he had seized him, he put him in prison, delivering him to four (E)squads of soldiers to guard him, intending after (F)the Passover to bring him out before the people.

It is more clear in the NASB and KJV, that it literally says he was going to bring them before the people, not before a judge to have a trial, but before the people to be executed.  So the next day Peter is to be executed.  There were people praying and God was working.  He sent an angel to take Peter out of prison, and here is the amazing part, PETER IS SLEEPING!  He is chained to guards on either side, lying in a cold prison cell, and the reason he is there is because he is going to be killed tomorrow, and he is sleeping so hard, that the angel has to hit him to wake him up!

Acts 12:7 – 7And behold, (H)an angel of the Lord suddenly (I)appeared and a light shone in the cell; and he struck Peter’s side and woke him up, saying, “Get up quickly ” And (J)his chains fell off his hands.

This is what the Bible means when it says Jesus offers us peace that passes understanding.  I don’t know what tomorrow holds for you, if you are dreading it or if you are looking forward to it, or what your current conditions are, but I challenge you to put your confidence in Jesus and walk in obedience to Him, and you will have peace in the midst of any situation.  So when God brings His deliverance, He will find you at peace in His presence.