In Job, the Bible never makes any indication that God allowed Job to go through what he went through to bring growth in Job’s life.  Job was already the most righteous man on earth according to Job 1.  God responds to Job, and basically says He is God and His wisdom is greater than man.  That He does not need to explain Himself to us, and will not.  It also seems to indicate that God never explained to Job about the whole argument with the devil thing in the first chapter of Job.  Although it is obvious that God did explain that to someone, for it to have been written down for us to read.

Job 40:8 –  “Would you discredit my justice?  Would you condemn me to justify yourself?

So often we want God to explain Himself to us instead of just saying “God has given, and God has placed me in this situation, and I know He loves me, so I will endure it and keep serving and loving Him.”

Jason Upton has a great song that says “I used to ask for a sign to believe in, But he never gave me a reason to ever doubt Him”.  Basically, just because we go through difficult situations that the Bible makes clear we will go through, does not mean God has left us.  It hurts when we feel distant from God, but He promises to never leave us, and just because we cannot feel Him does not mean He is not right there.  That is what learning to trust Him means.  Trusting God even when everything around us seems to indicate that he has left us.